In a world where visualisation and presentation are essential, 3D printed models offer an innovative and captivating solution. Whether for architectural projects, product prototypes or educational presentations, our 3D models are designed to impress and convince.

1. Precision and detail:

Our 3D printed models are manufactured with exceptional precision, enabling every detail of your project to be reproduced. Whether you need an architectural model or a product model, the quality of our prints guarantees a faithful and realistic representation.

2. Customisation:

Every project is unique, and our models reflect that. Thanks to 3D printing, we can create bespoke models that meet your exact requirements. Whether in terms of size, colour or design, we work with you to create the perfect model.

3. Speed of Production:

3D printing significantly reduces manufacturing times. You can get your mock-up in a fraction of the time, allowing you to meet your deadlines and present your ideas quickly to your customers or partners.

4. Ecological and economical:

By using sustainable and recyclable materials, our 3D printing models are an environmentally friendly option. What's more, on-demand production reduces waste, making it a cost-effective solution for your projects.

5. Effective communication tool :

A physical model is a powerful communication tool. It allows you to visualise complex concepts and engage your audience in an interactive way. Whether at meetings, exhibitions or presentations, our mock-ups captivate attention and facilitate understanding.

6. Versatile applications:

Our 3D printed models are ideal for a variety of sectors: architecture, industrial design, education, marketing, and much more. Whatever your field, we have the right solution for you.


Investing in 3D printed models means choosing quality, speed and innovation. Don't let your ideas remain on paper.

Contact us today to discuss your project and find out how our models can help you achieve your goals!

maquette industrielle recyclage broyeur
maquette industrielle recyclage broyeur

Design and manufacture of scale models

Plastic recycling line - scale 1/20

Robot - scale 1/20

explication technique processus production
explication technique processus production
Accurate details
Outstanding quality
déchiqueteur réalisme détail manutention
déchiqueteur réalisme détail manutention
maquette réalisme détail technique déchiqueteur
maquette réalisme détail technique déchiqueteur